User Guide: How to replace the descale cartridge on your Franke A300 MS EC

Step-by-step guide to replacing the descale cartridge and inserting a new one

Required Setup:

Before you start, you'll need the following supplies to clean the coffee machine: 

  • Franke Descale Concentrate (descaling cartridge) (440ml) 


Replacing the descaling cartridge 

To replace the descaling cartridge, firstly enter the menu by pressing the Franke logo in the top left corner of the screen. 

Main Screen A300

Enter the pin code 7777 and select OK

IMG_1365Select Cleaning and Maintenance


Select Descaling


    Select Replace descaling cartridge 


    The machine will now guide you through the steps to replace the cartridge.  


    Firstly, remove the grounds container and open the door. 

    Remove the empty descaling cartridge by puling it down and out of the red double pipe. It should come out easily. 


    Inserting a new descaling cartridge

    Before inserting a new cartridge, check the descaler expiry date. If the descaler is expired, you will not be able to descale the machine, and it will disable use. The expiry is located at the base, as shown below. 


    Now unscrew the red plastic cap and remove. There will be a red  and white seal on the bottle. 


    Remove the seal completely by peeling it off. Discard. The bottle will now be open. 

    Once the cap and seal have been removed, insert the cartridge at an angle from below into the red double pipe. The sticker should be facing toward the left hand side. 



    Now close the door and reinsert in the grounds container. 

    The cartridge has now been replaced.